This is a very powerful message when we are asked why we believe that homosexuality is a sin. ... Women Who Love The Lord is a Blog where I, and other women too, can share our stories of pain, struggles, heartaches, joys, blessings and how the Lord Jesus Christ worked through those things to refine us as gold.
If you have a story and would like to share it to help other women to grow in the Lord please feel free to contact me and send me your story, as well as your name and town and country you are from. Please email it to
Note: Some of the pictures are links ... feel free to click on the pictures and find a doorway to information to help you grow in your faith in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Friday, 28 October 2016
Love God in Silence
The other morning in my devotions God spoke to me. This is what he told me:
If you can't get under what God has put over you then you'll never be able to be over what God wants to put under you
-- Adrian Rogers --
I stand in need of prayer. Those who have met and gotten to know me know how much I struggle with this. I hate this flaw in me but I have come to realize that I would never have a relationship with Christ today if it weren't for my past. That part sounds so weird.
Isaiah 33:2 (personalized)
Lord, be gracious to me; I long for you. Be my strength every morning, my salvation in time of distress.
Early the next morning I was listening to a message from a woman's conference and this is what I took away with me from it ...
When I become harder at heart I have a decreased appetite for God's word. That brings about an increased shallowness. A hard heart is easily offended. My hard heart sets my husband up for failure. Forcing myself to focus on Christ is the only cure.
I know that the verses God wants me to learn and apply to my life are ...
Proverbs 15:1-2
1) A soft answer turns away wrath,
But a harsh word stirs up anger.
2) The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly,
But the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness.
1 Timothy 2:11
Let a woman learn in silence with all submission.
Psalms 19:14
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.
The last one is a verse you will always find attached to my name. I kid you not! I bought a bookmark with my name, I saw a plaque with my name and every time that verse in Psalms 19:14 is written on it!!!
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Because of Jesus ...
There is a God who hears our cry.
There is life beyond failure.
There is forgiveness.
There is nothing to fear.
There is acceptance.
There is hope beyond death.
On the wall of the
North Kildonan Mennonite Brothern Church
Winnipeg Manitoba
There is life beyond failure.
There is forgiveness.
There is nothing to fear.
There is acceptance.
There is hope beyond death.
On the wall of the
North Kildonan Mennonite Brothern Church
Winnipeg Manitoba
Saturday, 8 October 2016
The Point of the Story of Mary and Martha
Have you ever noticed that the story of Mary and Martha (Luke 10:38-42) comes right after the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37)?
There is a purpose in that — the authors of the gospels arranged their material very carefully, with thought and intention.
The connection between the two is not hard to see. The story of Mary and Martha is intended, in part, to correct a possible misunderstanding of the parable of the Good Samaritan.
The parable of the Good Samaritan tells us how we are to be as Christians — we are to show mercy to others whenever the opportunity is before us, and indeed we are to seek out opportunities to do good and serve. We are to “go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37), just as the Samaritan did. This is what it means to “love your neighbor as yourself” (v. 27).
But we could mis-apply that by allowing true service to transform into mere busyness. This is what we see with Mary and Martha. Mary “sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching” (v. 39). Martha, on the other hand, “was distracted with much serving” (v. 40). When Martha asked Jesus to rebuke Mary and help her serve, Jesus said “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her” (vv. 41-42).
The lesson: Do indeed be radical in doing good, just like the Good Samaritan (v. 37). But don’t take this to mean that you should be scrambling around frantically, over-committing yourself and becoming over busy. We ought to sacrifice and endure hardship. But don’t let your service to others distract you from the ultimate reason for your service, which is Jesus himself.
Serve, but don’t be frantic. Sacrifice and go out of your way, but don’t neglect devoted time to worship and prayer and reading the Bible. The point of seeing these things together here in Luke 10 is that there is enough time for both. Don’t let your service turn into frenetic anxiety.
And here’s one other thought: We also see here that God values — indeed, requires — both action and thought. Radical action for good is illustrated in the Good Samaritan. And deep consideration of the teaching of Jesus is modeled in the story of Mary and Martha. Don’t play doing and thinking off against one another. Do both. There is time for both and, ironically, each serves the other.
Found this at this online site
There is a purpose in that — the authors of the gospels arranged their material very carefully, with thought and intention.
The connection between the two is not hard to see. The story of Mary and Martha is intended, in part, to correct a possible misunderstanding of the parable of the Good Samaritan.
The parable of the Good Samaritan tells us how we are to be as Christians — we are to show mercy to others whenever the opportunity is before us, and indeed we are to seek out opportunities to do good and serve. We are to “go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37), just as the Samaritan did. This is what it means to “love your neighbor as yourself” (v. 27).
But we could mis-apply that by allowing true service to transform into mere busyness. This is what we see with Mary and Martha. Mary “sat at the Lord’s feet and listened to his teaching” (v. 39). Martha, on the other hand, “was distracted with much serving” (v. 40). When Martha asked Jesus to rebuke Mary and help her serve, Jesus said “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her” (vv. 41-42).
The lesson: Do indeed be radical in doing good, just like the Good Samaritan (v. 37). But don’t take this to mean that you should be scrambling around frantically, over-committing yourself and becoming over busy. We ought to sacrifice and endure hardship. But don’t let your service to others distract you from the ultimate reason for your service, which is Jesus himself.
Serve, but don’t be frantic. Sacrifice and go out of your way, but don’t neglect devoted time to worship and prayer and reading the Bible. The point of seeing these things together here in Luke 10 is that there is enough time for both. Don’t let your service turn into frenetic anxiety.
And here’s one other thought: We also see here that God values — indeed, requires — both action and thought. Radical action for good is illustrated in the Good Samaritan. And deep consideration of the teaching of Jesus is modeled in the story of Mary and Martha. Don’t play doing and thinking off against one another. Do both. There is time for both and, ironically, each serves the other.
Found this at this online site
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Letter to a Godly husband
I as an assignment did what each of us should do ... make a list of 5 things you love about your husband. That way when the time comes when the storms hit, you can go back and read it over and over again as a reminder to you and to remind you that he is worth fighting for. Then when you have come up with 5 things ... write it again but this time as a letter to him and mail it to him in snail mail and have it delivered to him. Make it special.
Here is my assignment. There is no right nor wrong answer and each person's letter will be different. No two are or will be the same. It must come from the heart. He will know. And remember as Jimmy Evans from Marriage on the Rock says ... a man's number one need is to be praised and respected.
My darling Raymond
My love, I couldn't just think of 5 things that I love about you. When we met one of the number one things that made me fall in love with you is the time you spent with me. I know you sacrificed many hours on the road to spend time with me.
I remember when you would sing to me. Oh how my heart would sing too. I loved listening to you singing.
I remember one time when you went out of your way to buy something you didn't normally buy. Your reason for doing this is what touched my heart. You said you got it because "it pleases me". Those words melted my heart honey ... "because it pleases me"!
Another thing that I absolutely loved about you was when you would actually want to and asked me out on a date. Oh how light my heart would feel that you would take me out into public on a real date. Thank you my love.
I was tickled pink and yet feelings of shyness but absolutely loved is when you would not just pay for our dates but also give generous tips to the waitress/waiter. Your generosity has always amazed me and I loved it about you. It made me feel very proud to be with you. It also made me want you to want to marry me and be yours for life. You are such a good catch honey.
From the day we met I noticed that you have never rejected my little princess Aurora. You have shown love towards her from day one and I love you for it. But you did even more than that for her, you accepted her as your own flesh and blood. Thank you.
One of the things I enjoyed doing most was when we would go hiking. I loved going through natural woods with you.
When we met I was on Social Assistance and I remember how fearful and inferior that made me feel. I feared that you would reject me. But that fear was not completely realistic because I know you would always be ready and willing to help me out if I needed it. Thank you.
On the top of my list I think I would have to say is your listening ear. I remember one time that I called you and we talked into the wee hours of the morning. I needed a listening ear and thank you for being one for me.
When we greatly sinned against our most Holy God, you never made it my fault. You took responsibility for your own actions. This was a foreign feeling for me and I was not sure what to do with that. Thank you for not making me responsible for your choices.
On the physical side ... I loved that you had your own car!!! It might sound lame but I loved it that we could go for rides in the country and to go to secluded woods hiking.
I had also prayed for specific things that I wanted in a spouse and the Lord gave me those things in you. I prayed for a man who was tall and at a perfect weight and the Lord knows you had both quantities!
You have a very gentle personality that I found very attractive. I feel like I am anxious and stressful for ten people and your gentleness calms me. Even my friends noticed this about you. This is something I need that you can provide me and draws me to you. Thank you for being gentle with me.
The most important thing that I loved about you was that you had a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I praised the Lord for this because the number one thing I asked of the Lord was that the man He would bring me would believe the Bible and not change his mind on what the Word of God says. Thank you for loving me through the love of Christ.
I love you with all my heart and give God the glory and praise for the day He created you in your mother's womb and for the day He brought you into my life. I have and will forever work on being a dedicated, loving and honorably wife to you. You honestly deserve my best my love.
Love your wife
Regina ten Brinke
Here is my assignment. There is no right nor wrong answer and each person's letter will be different. No two are or will be the same. It must come from the heart. He will know. And remember as Jimmy Evans from Marriage on the Rock says ... a man's number one need is to be praised and respected.
My darling Raymond
My love, I couldn't just think of 5 things that I love about you. When we met one of the number one things that made me fall in love with you is the time you spent with me. I know you sacrificed many hours on the road to spend time with me.
I remember when you would sing to me. Oh how my heart would sing too. I loved listening to you singing.
I remember one time when you went out of your way to buy something you didn't normally buy. Your reason for doing this is what touched my heart. You said you got it because "it pleases me". Those words melted my heart honey ... "because it pleases me"!
Another thing that I absolutely loved about you was when you would actually want to and asked me out on a date. Oh how light my heart would feel that you would take me out into public on a real date. Thank you my love.
I was tickled pink and yet feelings of shyness but absolutely loved is when you would not just pay for our dates but also give generous tips to the waitress/waiter. Your generosity has always amazed me and I loved it about you. It made me feel very proud to be with you. It also made me want you to want to marry me and be yours for life. You are such a good catch honey.
From the day we met I noticed that you have never rejected my little princess Aurora. You have shown love towards her from day one and I love you for it. But you did even more than that for her, you accepted her as your own flesh and blood. Thank you.
One of the things I enjoyed doing most was when we would go hiking. I loved going through natural woods with you.
When we met I was on Social Assistance and I remember how fearful and inferior that made me feel. I feared that you would reject me. But that fear was not completely realistic because I know you would always be ready and willing to help me out if I needed it. Thank you.
On the top of my list I think I would have to say is your listening ear. I remember one time that I called you and we talked into the wee hours of the morning. I needed a listening ear and thank you for being one for me.
When we greatly sinned against our most Holy God, you never made it my fault. You took responsibility for your own actions. This was a foreign feeling for me and I was not sure what to do with that. Thank you for not making me responsible for your choices.
On the physical side ... I loved that you had your own car!!! It might sound lame but I loved it that we could go for rides in the country and to go to secluded woods hiking.
I had also prayed for specific things that I wanted in a spouse and the Lord gave me those things in you. I prayed for a man who was tall and at a perfect weight and the Lord knows you had both quantities!
You have a very gentle personality that I found very attractive. I feel like I am anxious and stressful for ten people and your gentleness calms me. Even my friends noticed this about you. This is something I need that you can provide me and draws me to you. Thank you for being gentle with me.
The most important thing that I loved about you was that you had a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I praised the Lord for this because the number one thing I asked of the Lord was that the man He would bring me would believe the Bible and not change his mind on what the Word of God says. Thank you for loving me through the love of Christ.
I love you with all my heart and give God the glory and praise for the day He created you in your mother's womb and for the day He brought you into my life. I have and will forever work on being a dedicated, loving and honorably wife to you. You honestly deserve my best my love.
Love your wife
Regina ten Brinke
Friday, 23 September 2016
A Humble Prayer

And hear your awesome call
And here within my humble heart
I am giving you my all
I ask, oh Lord, to be a part
Of bringing your word to the earth
That every tongue and every nation
May proclaim your worth
And yet I don’t feel worthy
To spread your word, your grace
I feel not the strength nor wisdom
To go and plead your case
I am like a newborn babe
Who’s just come from your glory
And yet cannot begin to speak,
To tell the world its story
Like Moses when you asked of him
To go and speak for you
May you grant me grace and courage
To go and do so too
Herta Neufeld
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Trouble In The Amen Corner

you could see they'd been around
And they had the biggest pipe organ
of any church in town
But over in the Amen Corner of that church
sat Brother Ayer
And he insisted every Sunday
on singing in the choir.
His voice was cracked and broken
age had touched his vocal chords
And nearly every Sunday
he'd get behind and miss the words
Well, the choir got so flustered
the church was told in fine
That Brother Ayer must stop his singing
or the choir was going to resign.
So the pastor appointed a committee.
I think it was three or four
And they got in their big fine cars
and drove up to Ayer's door
They find the choir's great trouble
sittin' there in an old arm chair
And the summer's golden sunbeams
lay upon his snow white hair.
Said York we're here dear Brother
with the vestries approbation
To discuss a little matter
that affects the congregation
Now it seems that your voice
has interfered with the choir
So if you'll just lay out, or ....
are you listening Brother Ayer.
The old man raised his head
a sign that he did hear
And on his cheek the three men
caught the glitter of a tear
His feeble hands pushed back
the locks as white as silky snow
And he answered the committee
in a voice both soft and low.
I wonder if beyond the tide
that's breaking at my feet
In that far off heavenly temple
where my Master and I shall meet
Yes, I wonder if when I try to sing
the song of God up higher
I wonder if they'll kick me out of there
for singing in heaven's choir.
A silence filled the little room
and the old man bowed his head
The committee went on back to town
but Brother Ayer was dead
The choir missed him for awhile
but he was soon forgotten
A few church goers watched the door
but the old man entered not.
Far away his voice is sweet
and he sings his heart desire
Where are there no church committees
and no fashionable choirs.
Let me hide myself in Thee ...
Jim Reeve song
Monday, 19 September 2016
Till The Storm Passes By
This song has such a powerful message. It reminds me of my life. The pain was often too great and it felt as though my heart was physically being torn out of my chest. I longed for death to end my sorrow. but relief would not come. I felt the darkness surround me and engulf me. I wanted to hide from everyone and everything but found no hiding place. I didn't use the exact wording of this song but I in my own words begged and pleaded with the Lord that He would help me, shield me and still the storms that were full of severe tornadoes, hurricanes and tsunamies. If He did not still and remove the storms then I would die. It was in these moments that Satan came to me and whispered a lot of lies to me and I believed every word he said. I could not see the end to my sorrows and pain and wanted to put an end to it. But God in His love, mercy, grace and understanding reached down through the storm and put me in the palm of His hands and closed them around me. His love was greater than my pain. He sent people into my life that allowed Him to use them to begin the healing that He began in me. The nights grew shorter and the clouds thinned out. my wounds were now visible for all to see. As my husband often said, "You wear you pain, scars and life story on my sleeves".
It was at times like this that God brought a memory from long ago back into my mind. I was a small child under 12 years of age. I remember it like it was yesterday. My dad had put on some old fashioned music and when this one song on that cassette came on ... you can tell how old I am that I am talking about cassettes lol ... I would close my eyes and would see my younger self running through a field of ripe wheat and jumping into the loving arms of Jesus. He would twirl me around in the air and giggle with me. I could literally feel the overwhelming sense of peace, love and pure joy surround my whole being ... inside and out. Oh how the tears of hope, love and joy would flow, rolling down my cheeks like a river. Then the song would be over and I would feel so crushed again. Now I cannot remember anymore what the song was but the feelings of joy, love, peace and the arms of Christ around my small frame remained with me til this day.
I know the the Lord is with me in my pain. I know that He will vindicate me. I know that He will restore the years the locusts have stolen from me. Even if He chooses not to do so in this lifetime ... I choose to Dare to be Vulnerable and trust Him through it.
Cut and paste this link ... ... and you can hear the song on YouTube.
picture #1:
picture #2:

I know the the Lord is with me in my pain. I know that He will vindicate me. I know that He will restore the years the locusts have stolen from me. Even if He chooses not to do so in this lifetime ... I choose to Dare to be Vulnerable and trust Him through it.
Cut and paste this link ... ... and you can hear the song on YouTube.
picture #1:
picture #2:
Friday, 16 September 2016
Wedding Blessing for my First Born Daughter September 10/2016

Here is the speech:
I don't feel so bad about my essay now that I saw the novel that the best man read lol. My daughter Rebecka asked me to say a few words. It made me laugh. I'm NOT known as a woman of a few words. So you might want to sit back and relax while I talk. I should warn you I have put people to sleep while I talked so if you are going to fall asleep please do so quietly so Rebecka and Mitchell won't notice. Remember they only have eyes and ears each other today so please don't interrupt that lol. Anyway I better get started so I finish before Rebecka has her first child lol.
Rebecka was born on April 14 of 1994. I was so happy to hold her in my arms. She was a delight. She was such a mother hen and so helpful. Then I woke up. (**laughing**) just kidding. I'm still in a coma Wahahaha.
When she was about 7 or 8 years old she begged me to make a Mennonite dish called "Mouse" for her. I told her that I don't have the ingredients. I didn't keep the ingredients on hand because I really don't like that dish and hated the idea of making it. She argued with me that I did have the ingredients and said "we have a lot of mice outside". I laughed at her and promised her I would give her a mouse for a wedding gift so she could one day make "Mouse" for her husband. I'm sorry Rebecka and Mitchell but I grew to afraid of mice and besides didn't have time to buy one for you.

And Rebecka remember that submission is not a place of weakness, but rather of great strength. I know that submitting is not an easy thing to do especially when everything within you says that what you said was the right thing. Allow him to fail. because he will. love him through the failures. And remember ... Seek the Good in Mitchell and Praise him. A man's number one need is to be honoured and respected.
I have been Blessed being here to celebrate this momentous occasion with you both. Raymond and I welcome you, Mitchell, into our family as our son. We look forward to getting to know you and develop a healthy and strong relationship with you both. May God richly bless the two of you as you begin your life as husband and wife. God bless.
Thursday, 15 September 2016
"Why Me Lord"
Why me Lord, what have I ever done
To deserve even one
Of the pleasures I've known
Tell me Lord, what did I ever do
That was worth loving you
For the kindness you've shown.
Lord help me Jesus, I've wasted it so
Help me Jesus I know what I am
Now that I know that I've need you so
Help me Jesus, my soul's in your hand.
Tell me Lord, if you think there's a way
I can try to repay
All I've taken from you
Maybe Lord, I can show someone else
What I've been through myself
On my way back to you.
Lord help me Jesus, I've wasted it so
Help me Jesus I know what I am
Now that I know that I've need you so
Help me Jesus, my soul's in your hand.
To deserve even one
Of the pleasures I've known
Tell me Lord, what did I ever do
That was worth loving you
For the kindness you've shown.
Lord help me Jesus, I've wasted it so
Help me Jesus I know what I am
Now that I know that I've need you so
Help me Jesus, my soul's in your hand.
Tell me Lord, if you think there's a way
I can try to repay
All I've taken from you
Maybe Lord, I can show someone else
What I've been through myself
On my way back to you.
Lord help me Jesus, I've wasted it so
Help me Jesus I know what I am
Now that I know that I've need you so
Help me Jesus, my soul's in your hand.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Joy vs Happiness
You see, joy is something that God gives you on the inside. It wells up inside of you and splashes on everything and everyone around you and can give you a positive and hopeful outlook.
But happiness is fickle. It is based on external things and people and no matter how hard you try you cannot control things and people around you all the time. That is why happiness gives you a more negative outlook on life and on others around you.
Let us therefore always aim for and pray for God to give us more of His Joy. He can help us feel Joy even in the midst of great pain and sorrow. Let's grow and let the "Joy of the Lord be our strength".
My Precious Child
You are the fruit of my womb
God, in His infinite love
Mercy and Grace
Sent you to us from above
Moving, kicking, stretching
You grew strong inside
Caressing my belly
The floodgates of love grew wide
When the day finally came
Where I could hold you in my arms
You wrapped me around your finger
A prisoner of your charms
What a blessing it was
Watching you grow
Learning to sit, crawl and walk
And seeds of love to sow
Then came the day
That you started school
You were growing up too fast
Acquiring many tools
Being forced to let you go
Is the hardest thing I've had to do
The pain in my heart
Everyday stronger grew
Oh the tears that streamed
Down my cheeks like a flood
Crying out to God
Sinking into the pit of mud
The Lord Jesus, my only comfort
In my pain He carries me
He promised me His justice
He made this a decree
Monday, 12 September 2016
Tics without Tocks: Living a Lifetime with Tourette's
The importance of understanding how living with Tourette's can effect a person's life and self-esteem, how popular culture's depiction of Tourette's can be misleading to the general public and how God can lead people with Tourette's to peace and acceptance.
“Why are you doing that?”
“Why are you making those faces?”
“Stop making those noises.”
“Get a tissue already.”
These and many more were the comments my nine year old self had to endure as my Tourette’s Syndrome (TS) became more and more pronounced. What made it worse was that each of these questions and comments had the same response – “I don’t know”. It was like I had no control over my body. It would move when I wanted it to be still and make noise when I wanted it to be silent. It was almost a relief to be diagnosed with TS as I could then answer the questions thrown at me in a way that I could not before. Why did I make that face? I have Tourette’s. Why did I make that noise? I have Tourette’s. Do I need a tissue? No, thank you. I have Tourette’s.
As I learned more about this disorder, I was able to give more meaningful answers. I was able to explain what TS was and how it causes random physical movements and vocal outbursts. I could explain that they are unsure of its cause and that there is no cure though researchers believe the condition to be hereditary. I even joined a support group with other kids my age so I could see that I was not alone in trying to learn to live with TS. This helped me in that I could see that others out there had this disorder also. Yet I still felt alone. I felt like an outsider in the group as I was the only girl. Twenty-two years later, I have yet to physically meet another female with TS – though I have seen some on documentary videos and YouTube.
Growing up with Tourette’s Syndrome
Growing up with TS can be a harrowing adventure. It can be full of ups and downs that can make or break you. Dr. Gary Shady – a psychologist with MATC who has been working with children and adults living with TS – has stated that, since he first heard of TS in the 1980s, he has found that the ordeals that his clients have gone through – such as bullying and misunderstandings – have taught him what true courage means. Since that time, it has become easier to treat and relate to TS patients as more has become know about this disorder but some older people with TS did not have the advantages of TS youths today. They were raised by parents who did not understand the disorder – or even know about it – and thought their children were merely acting up or restless. This caused much conflict in families with TS pre-1980s.
First reported in 1825 by Dr. Itard and described in 1883 by Dr. Georges Gilles de la Tourette – after whom it is named – the disorder has become better known in recent years due to breakthroughs in TS research – aided by such fundraisers as the Wogie Golf Tournament (no longer active) and the Trek for Tourette (for more information on this event go to From the later part of the twentieth century until today, children are able to be diagnosed earlier and given resources to assist in learning to live and thrive with this disorder. A small percentage of children with TS can even lose their tics in adulthood to the point that their disorder is almost non-existent.
Tics often become intensified in situations of high emotional stress or sensory stimulation – though people can control the unwanted noises and movements for a time. Exerting the will to stop a tic, however, can not only make the tics worse, it is also taxing physically and emotionally. A cousin of mine with TS stated it in this way:
“Imagine holding your breath. After a while, your mind, body, and lungs all begin to scream out for oxygen. And then you inhale…and you feel relieved. That’s what it feels like. [It is that] feeling, but in, say, your shoulder. It feels like it is suffocating until you move it. It might hurt to move it in the way your body wants it to, but you crave that feeling you get when you do tic. It’s as relieving as taking a breath.”
Even though allowing your body to tic can be as pleasurable and necessary as breathing, it can also be very damaging. Most tics are small or inconsequential – more annoying and uncomfortable than anything else. Some tics, however, can place the individual at risk of physical danger – whether directly (punching yourself in the face; banging your head against a wall) or indirectly (getting distracted by a tic and walking into traffic; saying or doing the wrong thing to the wrong person). Some tics can even put other people in danger such as grabbing a steering wheel while someone is driving. According to Dr. Shady, these types of tics are rarer but have been known to occur. Some tics can also be quite scary to the individual involved. For example, over the years I have had a periodic tic in my diaphragm that would not allow me to catch my breath. Because of having almost drowned once in my youth, I have an inherent fear of suffocation and, as such, experience moments of terror when this tic occurs and am grateful that it does not come more frequently or last very long.
“You Can’t Even Tell”
When I tell people that I have TS, one of the comments that drive me crazy is, “You can’t even tell.” This statement causes me to grind my teeth because I can tell – I know each and every time that my body does something that I do not want it to do. My tics feel so big and obvious that I believe others must see them and I cannot help but respond to this comment by stating, “Yes, I can tell.”
Perhaps one reason that my TS isn’t as obvious to others as I feel it should be is because their misconception of what TS is. Many people when they think of TS will immediately think of excessive, compulsive swearing. This is a stereotype that is spread through such Hollywood movies as Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo (1999) and The Pest (1997). The reality is that only an approximate 5% of people with TS have coprolalia (the excessive and uncontrollable use of foul or obscene language).
“Flawed for a Purpose”

Like many people living with TS, I have suffered most of my life with self-esteem issues. I always felt that there was something wrong or defective with me and that my friends only tolerated me and my tics because they felt sorry for me. I believed that God must have hated me or I must have done something wrong to have been “cursed” with this. Some people that I have spoken to regarding their TS have shared that they felt their disorder brought them closer to a God who loves all his creations and accepts all equally, while others shared similar sentiments to my own.
It was about eight years ago, that I was finally able to accept my TS as a blessing rather than a curse and it all began with my sister offering to go through The Purpose Driven Life with me. Over the course of the next forty weeks – one chapter a week – we came to understand God and purpose in a different way. For me, the beginning of understanding came in Chapter Two when Rick Warren says that God doesn’t make mistakes and that he “left no detail to chance.” Later, in Chapter 35, he encourages his readers to accept that they have a lot of flaws and imperfections because “your weaknesses are not an accident.” God put our weaknesses, flaws, and imperfections there for a reason – to be used to his glory.
As I meditated on this book, I was reminded of John 9:2-3. The disciples asked Jesus who sinned for a man to be born blind and he replied that “This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” This reflection led me to see that God gave me TS for a reason and that it does not make me different in a bad way but in a special way. I feel blessed when I look back on my life and imagine what a different person I would be without TS. It has caused me to have a compassion and understanding of differences and hidden difficulties that I might not have had. This understanding has led to blessing in life, family, and friends, and allowed me to be able to help my son when he began to exhibit symptoms as well.
By Herta Neufeld
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
“Why are you doing that?”
“Why are you making those faces?”
“Stop making those noises.”
“Get a tissue already.”
These and many more were the comments my nine year old self had to endure as my Tourette’s Syndrome (TS) became more and more pronounced. What made it worse was that each of these questions and comments had the same response – “I don’t know”. It was like I had no control over my body. It would move when I wanted it to be still and make noise when I wanted it to be silent. It was almost a relief to be diagnosed with TS as I could then answer the questions thrown at me in a way that I could not before. Why did I make that face? I have Tourette’s. Why did I make that noise? I have Tourette’s. Do I need a tissue? No, thank you. I have Tourette’s.
As I learned more about this disorder, I was able to give more meaningful answers. I was able to explain what TS was and how it causes random physical movements and vocal outbursts. I could explain that they are unsure of its cause and that there is no cure though researchers believe the condition to be hereditary. I even joined a support group with other kids my age so I could see that I was not alone in trying to learn to live with TS. This helped me in that I could see that others out there had this disorder also. Yet I still felt alone. I felt like an outsider in the group as I was the only girl. Twenty-two years later, I have yet to physically meet another female with TS – though I have seen some on documentary videos and YouTube.
Growing up with Tourette’s Syndrome
Growing up with TS can be a harrowing adventure. It can be full of ups and downs that can make or break you. Dr. Gary Shady – a psychologist with MATC who has been working with children and adults living with TS – has stated that, since he first heard of TS in the 1980s, he has found that the ordeals that his clients have gone through – such as bullying and misunderstandings – have taught him what true courage means. Since that time, it has become easier to treat and relate to TS patients as more has become know about this disorder but some older people with TS did not have the advantages of TS youths today. They were raised by parents who did not understand the disorder – or even know about it – and thought their children were merely acting up or restless. This caused much conflict in families with TS pre-1980s.
First reported in 1825 by Dr. Itard and described in 1883 by Dr. Georges Gilles de la Tourette – after whom it is named – the disorder has become better known in recent years due to breakthroughs in TS research – aided by such fundraisers as the Wogie Golf Tournament (no longer active) and the Trek for Tourette (for more information on this event go to From the later part of the twentieth century until today, children are able to be diagnosed earlier and given resources to assist in learning to live and thrive with this disorder. A small percentage of children with TS can even lose their tics in adulthood to the point that their disorder is almost non-existent.
Tics often become intensified in situations of high emotional stress or sensory stimulation – though people can control the unwanted noises and movements for a time. Exerting the will to stop a tic, however, can not only make the tics worse, it is also taxing physically and emotionally. A cousin of mine with TS stated it in this way:
“Imagine holding your breath. After a while, your mind, body, and lungs all begin to scream out for oxygen. And then you inhale…and you feel relieved. That’s what it feels like. [It is that] feeling, but in, say, your shoulder. It feels like it is suffocating until you move it. It might hurt to move it in the way your body wants it to, but you crave that feeling you get when you do tic. It’s as relieving as taking a breath.”
Even though allowing your body to tic can be as pleasurable and necessary as breathing, it can also be very damaging. Most tics are small or inconsequential – more annoying and uncomfortable than anything else. Some tics, however, can place the individual at risk of physical danger – whether directly (punching yourself in the face; banging your head against a wall) or indirectly (getting distracted by a tic and walking into traffic; saying or doing the wrong thing to the wrong person). Some tics can even put other people in danger such as grabbing a steering wheel while someone is driving. According to Dr. Shady, these types of tics are rarer but have been known to occur. Some tics can also be quite scary to the individual involved. For example, over the years I have had a periodic tic in my diaphragm that would not allow me to catch my breath. Because of having almost drowned once in my youth, I have an inherent fear of suffocation and, as such, experience moments of terror when this tic occurs and am grateful that it does not come more frequently or last very long.
“You Can’t Even Tell”
When I tell people that I have TS, one of the comments that drive me crazy is, “You can’t even tell.” This statement causes me to grind my teeth because I can tell – I know each and every time that my body does something that I do not want it to do. My tics feel so big and obvious that I believe others must see them and I cannot help but respond to this comment by stating, “Yes, I can tell.”
Perhaps one reason that my TS isn’t as obvious to others as I feel it should be is because their misconception of what TS is. Many people when they think of TS will immediately think of excessive, compulsive swearing. This is a stereotype that is spread through such Hollywood movies as Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo (1999) and The Pest (1997). The reality is that only an approximate 5% of people with TS have coprolalia (the excessive and uncontrollable use of foul or obscene language).
“Flawed for a Purpose”

Like many people living with TS, I have suffered most of my life with self-esteem issues. I always felt that there was something wrong or defective with me and that my friends only tolerated me and my tics because they felt sorry for me. I believed that God must have hated me or I must have done something wrong to have been “cursed” with this. Some people that I have spoken to regarding their TS have shared that they felt their disorder brought them closer to a God who loves all his creations and accepts all equally, while others shared similar sentiments to my own.
It was about eight years ago, that I was finally able to accept my TS as a blessing rather than a curse and it all began with my sister offering to go through The Purpose Driven Life with me. Over the course of the next forty weeks – one chapter a week – we came to understand God and purpose in a different way. For me, the beginning of understanding came in Chapter Two when Rick Warren says that God doesn’t make mistakes and that he “left no detail to chance.” Later, in Chapter 35, he encourages his readers to accept that they have a lot of flaws and imperfections because “your weaknesses are not an accident.” God put our weaknesses, flaws, and imperfections there for a reason – to be used to his glory.
As I meditated on this book, I was reminded of John 9:2-3. The disciples asked Jesus who sinned for a man to be born blind and he replied that “This happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.” This reflection led me to see that God gave me TS for a reason and that it does not make me different in a bad way but in a special way. I feel blessed when I look back on my life and imagine what a different person I would be without TS. It has caused me to have a compassion and understanding of differences and hidden difficulties that I might not have had. This understanding has led to blessing in life, family, and friends, and allowed me to be able to help my son when he began to exhibit symptoms as well.
By Herta Neufeld
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Lemonade Lifestyle

Life’s lemons – or curveballs or whatever metaphor you choose to describe unexpected downturns in life – are naturally souring to any disposition. There are those who grab a slice of these lemons, bite down and hang on for dear life. They don’t seem to notice the sourness of the lemon has puckered their lips nor God’s promises within their reach. If they do, they refuse to take it and the lemon becomes their world.
Others choose to look beyond the lemon. They cut it up, examine it, and see what lessons might be learned – if any. Then, using God’s promises, they make lemonade. The refreshing drink sooths their parched souls and comforts in situations where others might be soured.
Let me give you an example from my own life of living the “lemonade lifestyle”. I was twenty-eight. He was only six. He was my world. As a single mother, I strove to do right by my only son and give him a life better than the one I had. I tried to keep his lemons from him and eat them myself. Life doesn’t work that way. Everyone’s lemons are their own and only they can deal with them.
My son’s lemon came in the form of a tumor on his spine compressing his spinal cord between his shoulder blades. Mine came in the form of wondering. Would my son live to see his next birthday? Would he continue to be the active healthy child he should be? Would he be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of his life?
Our circle of friends and family faced similar lemons. Some bit into their lemons straight up and were left angry, bitter, and confused wrecks. They put on a facade of strength around my son and fell apart as soon as they were out of his sight. Still others sprinkled only a little bit of God’s sweetness on their lemons through prayer – enough to take the edge off but not enough to bring refreshing comfort.
And then, there was me. I added as much sweetness as was available and was refreshingly comforted. I was at peace in God’s promises that, “‘I know the plans I have for you . . . plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future’” (Jeremiah 29:11). I trusted that there was purpose to my son’s suffering even if it was not immediately – or ever – visible.
However, as pleasing and – mostly – stress-free as this lifestyle can be, a practitioner of this way of life must be wary of unexpected and unwarranted guilt. This negative emotion can pop up periodically during trying times and tempt one away from the promises of God.
I mentioned earlier that I felt peace and comfort regarding what my son was going through because I trusted in God’s promises – especially Jeremiah 29:11. What I did not mention was how little comments from friends, family, and church members – meant to be comforting – led to moments of guilt. Comments such as “You must feel terrible” or “I can’t even imagine how hard this must be for you” had the opposite effect from what they were intended to have. I began to feel like my Godly peace was wrong and question what type of mother I was. I felt I must be a horrible parent for not breaking down into tears every five minutes but I persevered and kept my peace.
The “Lemonade Lifestyle” may not be for everyone – as demonstrated previously – but it sure helped me through this and many other situations. The Bible is full of sweet promises made by God to his people. It is also full of people who lived a “lemonade lifestyle” to its fullest like Joseph and David. The best biblical example of this mentality – other than Jesus – is that of Job who refused to surrender God’s promises even in the midst of loss. This reminds us that God doesn’t protect us from harm but he does promise to protect us in the midst of it. This comfort is seen over and over again in the Bible – the greatest love story ever written – and it is for you, for me, and for all of God’s creatures. The Bible is God’s lemonade stand and the drinks are free.
By Herta Neufeld
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Friday, 9 September 2016
Heavenly Home
how I long for Heaven
place of serene peace
A far off place over yonder
Where my joy will never cease
How beautiful that place will be
And my pain will be no more
From my shoulders it will role away
As I walk through Heavens door
All my tears He has collected
That throughout my life I wept
In His book He wrote them down
A record He has kept
As I walk through Heaven's gate
I stand before His throne
I see the scars my sins have left
I feel so deeply torn
I looked up at Him in disbelief
Not knowing where to turn
In shame I bowed my head
The image in my mind was burned
He looked at me, in filthy rags
And lifted up my down-turned head
"It was my love for you
That held me on the cross", He said.
A far off place over yonder
Where my joy will never cease
How beautiful that place will be
And my pain will be no more
From my shoulders it will role away
As I walk through Heavens door
All my tears He has collected
That throughout my life I wept
In His book He wrote them down
A record He has kept
As I walk through Heaven's gate
I stand before His throne
I see the scars my sins have left
I feel so deeply torn
I looked up at Him in disbelief
Not knowing where to turn
In shame I bowed my head
The image in my mind was burned
He looked at me, in filthy rags
And lifted up my down-turned head
"It was my love for you
That held me on the cross", He said.
told me I had been forgiven
My hearts cry He had heard
When I asked to be forgiven
To forgive He gave His word
"You are my good and faithful servant"
And reached out his hands to me
He welcomed me into His glory
For all Eternity
Written By: Regina ten Brinke
My hearts cry He had heard
When I asked to be forgiven
To forgive He gave His word
"You are my good and faithful servant"
And reached out his hands to me
He welcomed me into His glory
For all Eternity
Written By: Regina ten Brinke
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Well September 6th was our official first day of home schooling. We enjoyed it very much. We use a few different products but the biggest is Easy Peasy. It is so easy to understand and follow and is not overwhelming for the children. I also love the Christ Centered Curriculum that I have and YouTube has so many great things for my 3 & 4 year old's to keep them busy with learning their abc's, 123's, shapes, colours, and much much more. We have a daughter in grade 2 and one in Junior Kindergarten. My husband is really liking this homeschooling far more than he ever thought he would lol ... I am so glad that he is such a support and encouragement to me in homeschooling, especially in the spiritual area.
We know that there are going to be many struggles ahead of us but we also know that we can always to turn to the Lord for help. As one of my favourite songs says ... Down on my knees, I learned to stand, I can't even walk without you holding my hand. We joined a home-school support group that has so many wonderful people in it. Homeschoolers need to support each other and together rely on God for what support we cannot give each other.
We know that there are going to be many struggles ahead of us but we also know that we can always to turn to the Lord for help. As one of my favourite songs says ... Down on my knees, I learned to stand, I can't even walk without you holding my hand. We joined a home-school support group that has so many wonderful people in it. Homeschoolers need to support each other and together rely on God for what support we cannot give each other.
I plan on keeping you all updated on things that come up in my life as I learn to fully and in all things rely on God and on Him alone for my daily needs. Please keep me in your prayers. Thank you.
A Woman's Calling
"Being a Godly woman is a high calling. It is challenging but when we wait upon the Lord and let Him lead us He will provide for each moment."
Carla Pennings
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
Carla Pennings
Brampton, Ontario, Canada
A New Day
I used to Blog very regularly but for a time because of many personal issues I could not blog. when I did get the time to start Blogging again somehow I just could not get onto my Blog anymore to add more posts. So I decided to start a new one.
Feel free to check out my old Blogs ...
Feel free to check out my old Blogs ...
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