This song has such a powerful message. It reminds me of my life. The pain was often too great and it felt as though my heart was physically being torn out of my chest. I longed for death to end my sorrow. but relief would not come. I felt the darkness surround me and engulf me. I wanted to hide from everyone and everything but found no hiding place. I didn't use the exact wording of this song but I in my own words begged and pleaded with the Lord that He would help me, shield me and still the storms that were full of severe tornadoes, hurricanes and tsunamies. If He did not still and remove the storms then I would die. It was in these moments that Satan came to me and whispered a lot of lies to me and I believed every word he said. I could not see the end to my sorrows and pain and wanted to put an end to it. But God in His love, mercy, grace and understanding reached down through the storm and put me in the palm of His hands and closed them around me. His love was greater than my pain. He sent people into my life that allowed Him to use them to begin the healing that He began in me. The nights grew shorter and the clouds thinned out. my wounds were now visible for all to see. As my husband often said, "You wear you pain, scars and life story on my sleeves".

It was at times like this that God brought a memory from long ago back into my mind. I was a small child under 12 years of age. I remember it like it was yesterday. My dad had put on some old fashioned music and when this one song on that cassette came on ... you can tell how old I am that I am talking about cassettes lol ... I would close my eyes and would see my younger self running through a field of ripe wheat and jumping into the loving arms of Jesus. He would twirl me around in the air and giggle with me. I could literally feel the overwhelming sense of peace, love and pure joy surround my whole being ... inside and out. Oh how the tears of hope, love and joy would flow, rolling down my cheeks like a river. Then the song would be over and I would feel so crushed again. Now I cannot remember anymore what the song was but the feelings of joy, love, peace and the arms of Christ around my small frame remained with me til this day.
I know the the Lord is with me in my pain. I know that He will vindicate me. I know that He will restore the years the locusts have stolen from me. Even if He chooses not to do so in this lifetime ... I choose to Dare to be Vulnerable and trust Him through it.
Cut and paste this link ... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VmHLLN61YU ... and you can hear the song on YouTube.
picture #1: http://www.traditionalmusic.co.uk/old-time-songs-chords/Till-The-Storm-Passes-By-C.htm
picture #2: http://manualoflife.com/joeen/?p=3834
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